
Mastering Business Clarity: Unlocking Strategy, Sales, and Systems for Success

Published on: 23rd February, 2025

In this episode, Dani introduces her rebranded podcast and discusses the importance of mastering business clarity. She shares her personal journey, the impact of neurodiversity on her life and business, and emphasizes the need for clarity in strategy, sales, and systems. Dani also explores the tools available for gaining clarity and encourages listeners to define their own success.

Referenced in this episode:

Business Fundamentals Book:


Queens Connection Club:



*some links featured in this episode are affiliate links and I may be paid when you make a purchase via my link.

Mentioned in this episode:

Joint the Queens Connection Club

If you’re ready to create more sales, more clarity, and more ease in your business, click the link and join us inside The Queens Connection Club today! www.queenofbusinessorganisation.co.uk/connectionclub

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So, hello.

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You're joining me in my first ever episode of my new rebranded podcast.

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And I'm so excited about this because I really, really wanted to tap into just showing my expertise and I felt like my old podcast didn't do that.

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So you're here with me now, listening to me, talking about topics that I know about, that I'm living proof and evidence of that I've experienced it, not acknowledged, acknowledged, all of these things.

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And I'm really excited to dive in.

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So I'm gonna just introduce you first before I bring you to the topic and what I'm going to be doing in these first 10 episodes of this podcast.

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So I've gone all fancy schmancy these days.

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I've got headphones, I've got a microphone, I've got new software and I'm dead excited about it.

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However, I have, I cannot keep still, I cannot sit still when I'm talking.

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Anyone that knows me, I talk with my hands.

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So the urge to not touch my desk is driving me bonkers right now because I have a Pandora bracelet on my right arm.

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It jingles when I move and I always knock it and tap it on my desk when I'm recording podcasts, which is a nightmare.

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So fingers crossed.

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I'm not going to do that today.

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However, what I do want to introduce you to, other than the fact that I cannot sit still, is that I decided to do something, a series to launch the rebrand of this podcast, to launch it.

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And I wanted to talk about 10 topics.

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So today I am actually going to be starting with the first one which is Mastering Business Clarity, Unlocking Strategy, sales and Systems for success.

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I mean, why not?

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Because this is what this podcast is going to be focused on going forward.

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We're going to focus on all things strategy, all things sales, all things systems.

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And I will be bringing in some special guests, but I'm going to be delivering, delivering the best content I possibly can for you and your business growth within your service based business.

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Because I want you to master your service based empire.

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But I decided that I'm gonna do a Talk on the 10 chapters that I actually feature in my book, Business Fundamentals.

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So here we are starting with episode one.

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The first chapter in my business business book is all about clarity.

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So I decided to start this first episode talking about mastery, business clarity, and specifically around unlocking strategy, sales and systems for success.

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So let's get started.

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I'm so excited to deliver and do this.

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years now as of May:

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I've done many, many things, I've tried many things, discovered possible neurodiversity along the way, and I'm sure in future episodes I will share my journey with that and the route to diagnosis.

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Because as most people who know me, and if you don't know me, hello.

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Yeah, welcome to my world.

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I'm Danny, the queen of business organization and I talk a lot about neurodiversity because it is a massive part of my life.

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My son has just, just been newly recently diagnosed autistic.

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That happened a couple of weeks ago for us and we are awaiting for my husband, he's actually doing his assessment next week to be diagnosed as autism, autistic and adhd.

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We're waiting for myself to be diagnosed.

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It's going to take me about six to eight months.

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But I'm here for the journey.

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You know, let's find out, let's see what goes out.

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But my oldest child actually as well is also awaiting for his referral to come through and be assessed for both as well.

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There's only my daughter and the dog in our household.

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That's not start.

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So it has played a massive part in my journey and discovering myself and clarity comes with that.

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Clarity comes with self discovery.

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It has played a massive, massive impact and part of my journey and as with anyone, and actually I'm so, so grateful for this business journey that I'm on because I believe that having not gone through this journey, having not started a business, diving into deep, deep diving into personal development and becoming obsessed with it, I don't believe that I would have overcome so many challenges when it comes to my mental health, but also my money management as well, organization and the traits of ADHD that people who are neurodiverse find challenging.

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I do not think that would have happened if I'd have not gone on this self discovery journey.

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Sorry, I'm just moving my headphones and I hope it's not affecting the podcast because I'm not comfortable at all.

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But hey, hobby, we roll.

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So clarity has definitely played a massive part and I truly believe if we don't start work here, if we don't work here, then how are we going to do anything?

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Because we can't do the strategy if we're not clear on where we want to get to.

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We can't bring the sales in if we're not clear on exactly who we're selling to, what we're selling, what price point, you know, what all of that looks like.

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And success doesn't come if we don't have a system in place.

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And if we don't have it, we need a system in place.

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How is that going to happen if we're not clear of what that system is doing, where it's taking us?

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So clarity has played a massive, massive part in my own journey and I know it has in that of my clients as well.

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And so it definitely needed to be a topic that I spoke about, which is why I wrote about it in my book.

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And I got quite brave with this.

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I found it really challenging actually as a topic to dive into because I was worried and a bit scared and fearful that my thoughts, my opinions around mastering clarity in your business were going to be a bit hard hitting and they might put people off.

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My people might not like me.

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But you know what?

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I've had the most amazing feedback from people reading the book because I was honest and I was real.

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And the only way I could share this in a way that helps people is to be honest myself and share my journey.

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So in there I did actually share my story about my own mental health and my struggles with like money and impulsivity and ADHD and neurodiversity, the struggles with my family as well.

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Like having just one of these things is a challenge on its own, such as my husband's disability and me having to come out of work because there is no benefit that will cover us so that I can be at home with the kids and him when he needs that care.

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So I made that big leap, that decision, which will be four years this year, believe it or not.

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So in some of this year it will be four years since I left my employed job and I went full time self employed.

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And there's no looking back.

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But I like that came with clarity.

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Making that decision came with clarity.

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But the whole situation of dealing with that mentally, physically, the impact it had on my, my family and my business, it was a lot.

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But without thinking clearly about what I wanted and what my next steps were going to be, I wouldn't be where I am today.

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And so I had to share my story in that chapter.

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I had to share like what the reality has been behind the scenes because sometimes people do not, when you show up on social media and you show up a small, small part of your story, they just don't see it.

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And that's okay because they can.

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It's not possible for everybody to see everything, but what happens is, is when we are growing a business, we do get into.

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Well, in life anyway.

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Not just in business.

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In life, we do get into this thinking because we've been conditioned, and it's really, really frustrating.

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And now I'm aware sometimes where this is not always a great thing, but now I'm aware.

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I see it everywhere.

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It in my family, I see it in my friends.

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I see it in people in public.

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Like the way people react, the way people respond, the way people speak, their behaviors tells me a lot about their mindset and about the way they've been conditioned, brought up.

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And it's frustrating.

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And obviously I have been subjected to that same.

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The exact same conditioning, and it has impacted my mindset.

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So when it comes to growing a business, when it comes to wanting to make more money, when it comes to making, you know, we want to make our lives a damn site easier, we are conditioned so much that our mindset has been impacted.

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And sometimes we just can't see beyond from what we already know.

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And I actually want to change that.

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So I wrote about it openly and honestly, as much as I felt I could without going on forever and, you know, going too deep.

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But I did, and I was honest, and I pinpointed some things in there.

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Like, we do make excuses in life, our mindset, we make excuses all of the time, and it doesn't serve us to do that.

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So I just want you to think about that for a minute.

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Like, where is.

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Where is this holding you back when it comes to mastering, mastering clarity within your business?

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So when it comes to your business strategy, what excuses do we have?

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That cloud, like the smoke in the mirrors.

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What is smoking your mirrors?

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So that you can't see things for what they are.

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And they could.

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It could be a number of things.

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It could be the people that you're surrounding yourself with.

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So it could be people that are feeding you absolute bs, right?

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Because their opinions and thoughts are their own.

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And you're feeding into that.

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You're taking that.

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A good example is you may have an opportunity that comes up, but someone says something negative about it, and so what you decide to do is say no, when that actually could have been an opportunity that was there for a reason.

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Sometimes if we take that leap, even though it's scary, we're gonna grow.

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And that's a whole topic on itself in building the confidence and getting out of the zone of safety.

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But coming back to clarity, like sometimes we aren't clear because we can't see our own reflection in the damn mirror because someone else has smoked it.

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So first of all, want to say is, look at the people you're surrounding yourself with.

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And this will probably come up a lot in this podcast because those people that are around yourself, they have a massive impact on your energy, on your processes, and then it even affects the behavior that you have.

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Because, yes, we are in control of our own behavior as we move through growing our business, right?

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But what happens is, is we will respond and we will behave because of what's been fed to us.

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So the more that we can eliminate from that, that from our lives, the more we can have a better impact.

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So that's the first thing.

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I want to talk to you on that.

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The second thing is when it comes to mastering clarity for your business, sales and strategy, right, it's, it's so much more than that.

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Sometimes we're just not clear because we don't know what we don't know.

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But the, the great thing these days is that we have access to the Internet.

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We have Google, we have YouTube.

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Those two tools are absolutely blooming amazing.

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But we also have Chat GPT and many other systems of AI.

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I use an amazing platform called Riverside.

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I'll drop the link in the show notes because I am an affiliate now.

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Just saying.

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I use Riverside to record this podcast.

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Absolutely love it.

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The quality is insane compared to when I was using Zoom.

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Do love Zoom, though.

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It has its place within my business and it has amazing AI resources on there that can do things.

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It can repurpose my content and then take this content and I pop it onto a program called Captivate, which I'm not affiliate for.

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But if I can, if I can get on that, I will get on it and I will become an affiliate.

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Because do you know what?

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I put a lot of energy and I get a lot of money into these programs.

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So I may as well take something back and if it can help you, you, then great.

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So I use that platform and that has its own AI system and it does things for me.

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It will take this podcast and it will write the transcript and it will take.

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I'm going off on a tangent here.

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I'm probably going to keep doing this on these episodes, but I am who I am.

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It will take that and it will give me the show notes, it will give me a summary, it'll ask me the best title.

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I've already got my freaking title because I did some work with Chat GPT on it.

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However, it saves me time.

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And so when it comes to clarity and the strategy to do that, we have so like you don't know what you don't know.

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We have so many tools these days that can do the thing, tell us how to do the thing, but even more so now, it will do the thing for us.

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These, these systems are going to go and repurpose my content so that I've got more content to share to put this episode out there.

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It's going to write me a caption.

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Obviously I'll edit it, but it'll be banging.

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I got the title from Chat GPT.

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So we don't know what we don't know, but we can go out there and learn.

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There's so many resources now more than ever.

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We are lucky.

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We're actually incredibly lucky because our parents, our grandparents didn't have these resources to actually learn what we need to learn to unlock a successful strategy for your business.

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So clarity starts with knowledge.

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I, I believe, I believe it's going out there and discovering the skills that you need because we don't know what we don't know and then actually using that.

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So clarity comes with knowledge and knowledge is power.

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So definitely if you're not sure we can go learn, we don't even have to pay to learn half the time.

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I'm doing myself a disservice by saying that because I am a business coach, I want you to come and work with me, I want you to pay with me, pay me obviously, but go do the research first, Go and learn first.

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Because yes, AI Google, YouTube is only going to get you so far.

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It's not personalized to your situation and your business.

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And that's what I like.

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That's where I come in because I talk about and help my clients build resilience in building your service based businesses while managing these external circumstances.

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That's what I'm all about.

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And obviously these systems can't give you that.

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However, they can give you a piece of the puzzle to help you figure out how.

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And knowledge is power.

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So when it comes to strategy, I definitely think knowledge is power.

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When it comes to clarity for selling, this has got to start within because nobody can always, like nobody can give you these answers because when it comes to selling, you have to know what you want.

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You have to know what that looks like, whether it's selling an offer and being clear around what that offer is, who it's for, what it does.

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The marketing comes from that.

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And I know that so many people skip that part of it.

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They Just skip it.

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But the marketing comes from that.

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So it's getting clear of what that looks like, who it, who it's for, why it exists, the benefits, the transformation and communicating that effectively.

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It starts with the Clarice.

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If we don't have clarity when we're selling, then it's not going to communicate in an effective way that's actually going to get results.

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So this is why clarity is so important.

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It impacts the whole of your business.

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In fact, clarity is so big that I once I'd written my book and once I published it and I've done talks on these topics, on all of these 10 topics I've done talks about like an overview of these business fundamentals.

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Fundamentals I believe you need to run a successful business in an organized and streamlined way.

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And when I wrote that, when I'd finished it, when I, the more I've talked about it, I realized that actually clarity bled into everything, every single chapter.

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Because if you weren't clear on your branding, who you are, what you do, who you're delivering your services to, what your message is, if you weren't clear on your price points, you weren't clear on your strategy, you weren't clear on how you were using social media, what content you're going to be putting out on there, etc.

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There was then how were you going to get any results?

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Because everything came back to just knowing, having that, knowing of what that looked like for you and I say for you and emphasize for you because every business is different, every person is different and it's going to look different for every person.

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So it does come back to.

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And start with clarity and then coming into systems again, we need to see that for what it is.

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We need to accept.

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I say we.

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Why am I saying we?

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Because this is not me.

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I accept and I love a friggin system, but I want other people to be more acceptable of it.

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People believe and I see this and hear this a lot with my clients, people in the audience, I see it a lot.

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They avoid the systems, they run a mile.

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However, I truly believe there is so much power in systems and it's not restrictive.

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People believe it's restrictive and it's absolutely not.

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It's not.

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It gives you more freedom.

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Because having a system in place, whether that's to automate something to save time, can do both those to make you more money.

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It could be to upsell.

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That's going to make you want money.

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It's whether it's to deliver something better.

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It's only Going to serve you well.

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The pain of that might be setting up the tech side of it, but if you're clear on how this system is going to look for you and what the benefit of it is for you, then you're going to get more results.

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And I do believe this holds people back massively.

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I don't want to help talk to you on that and kind of push you in the right direction around supporting you with that.

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So I definitely hope you got something from that, like realizing where you may be holding back because you're scared to learn the new tag, you're scared to do the new thing, but actually, if you can clearly see how this system is going to improve your life, how it's going to make a difference for you, then it's worth doing.

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And then I want to touch on success as well, actually, because when it comes to succeeding, a lot of us are not even clear on what success looks like for ourselves.

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Like, not clear on what that's going to look like for you.

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And that's massively, massively important because what success looks like to me is going to be completely different for the next person.

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And I'm going to be really honest, like success for me.

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I will.

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I would have, like, my dream.

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I did this this morning.

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I listened to a podcast.

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I'm off on a tangent again, but it's all value.

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I listened to a podcast a couple of weeks ago about using chat GPT to write and script your perfect day.

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I did this this morning.

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I've been reading a book called the Magic, and I've been implementing it every day.

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And let me tell you, the results so far are absolutely insane.

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It's brilliant.

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It's helping me get clear on what actually I should be grateful for in my life.

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And it's actually creating magic, and I love that.

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And I'm only on day four, five, something like that, right?

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Because every time you miss a day, you have to go back three.

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So I've restarted this, like, the last two weeks.

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I've restarted it about four times, but I'm proud of myself.

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I've stuck it for five days.

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I'm nervod of this potentially, and I really struggle with that.

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So I've done it this morning and it's.

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It's helping me get clear on what I should be grateful for and helping me tap into that.

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And I've lost.

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But I've gone off on a tangent and I've lost where I were.

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Clarity with success.

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That's it.

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So when I'm doing this I'm getting so clear on what I actually want, and it's making a difference to my business and my life every single day.

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And for me, success is about.

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I actually want a couple of grand in the bank, you know, so.

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For a rainy day, because I like that safety net.

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I had that before.

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But then we moved into this beautiful house and we blew it all on the house, which I'm so grateful that I got to do.

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Do not regret that at all.

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We've got an amazing bed, we've got a lovely TV in our bedroom that purchased.

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We've got lovely furniture.

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You know, all the things, right?

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We never have been in a position to do this, so I'm glad that we could, but now we've got no freaking money.

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I mean, I have started serving again now and I have money, but that part is wiggling down as I've just started my driving lessons and I'm learning to drive.

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But even that, right, that is part of my success story.

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I am so clear on what success looks like to me.

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It is getting to learn to drive, getting that family car, heading off to the seaside just, you know, on a whim one weekend when we decide we wanted to, especially in.

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In summer, we need that freedom because we just want to be able to go places because of our family circumstances are a little bit more challenging.

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So we want to be able to just do it on a weekend.

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So we, you know, I mean, it's going to be busy at seaside on the weekend, but I'll go in winter.

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I don't care, right?

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But we just want to be able to go off success to me, looks like getting to go out with my friends, getting to go for family meals and dinners, me and my husband getting time to ourselves at the minute.

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We, like, go to the spa and the gym together when the kids are in school.

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We love going for a cavalry when they.

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When the kids are in school.

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And these things require time, that, that freedom of time and they require money.

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And obviously we literally get the decision to choose.

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Clarity is deciding that's what I want and that's what I'm gonna do.

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So I make the time for those things and I earn the money for those things.

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That's what success looks like to me.

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But obviously there's so much more than that that I want to achieve.

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But it's so important to think clearly about what it is that you actually do want to achieve and have access to.

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Because sometimes the reason we don't move forward with unlocking the strategy, the sales or a system for success is because we don't actually have a connection.

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And again, I'm saying we again.

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But you, you might not actually have a connection to what success actually looks like for you.

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And that is so, so important to recognize.

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So I'd love to get you thinking on that, like what does success look like for you so that then you can unlock the strategy to make that happen.

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Unlock, unlock the sales that are going to help you earn the money to make that happen.

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But finally, my most favorite, unlock the systems that are going to make life easier as you make those things happen.

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So for me it's.

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I want to set my family on an abroad holiday.

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My husband's 35 and he's never been abroad.

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I have many times for my family as a kid growing up, Love it.

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And I want that part of my life now.

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I want a bit, like I said, I want to drive, I want to take the family to the, to the seaside on a regular basis.

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I want to have a few grand in the bank so that we've got that safety net.

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I want to be able to reward my team.

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I'm about to start a second business.

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I want to have a team in that business and be able to reward them, give them incentives, give them bonuses.

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I want to reward the current team, the existing team that I've got now.

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So all of these are really important to me and that being able to do that is what success is and means to me.

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So I know that I'm so clear on it because I have got 11 years experience in business and this journey, this self development journey and discovering what I want.

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But the question I kind of want to end on is what does success look like to you so that you can think about how you unlock the strategy, the sales and the systems that you need to make that happen.

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And so my final thought, I want to share some tips.

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I want to actually round off each episode sharing final thoughts of relating this topic to strategy, sales and systems.

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So let's, let's do that.

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My final thoughts is when it comes to clarity and strategy, I just want you to think about working backwards.

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When it comes to a strategy, work backwards.

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You've probably heard this before, but it is that simple.

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You've got to know what your end goal is so that you can put the strategy in place.

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So I want you to start there.

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What is the end goal?

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Where do I want to get to?

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And then what is the step before that that needs to happen?

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Work backwards.

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That's my little tip for you on clarity and Strategy.

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The way to get clear on your strategy is to actually know what the end goal is.

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My final thought on sales and clarity is that nobody can give you these answers.

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You've got to find them within yourself.

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Every business owner has a different passion, a different message and for this reason I actually created a membership that helped discover this.

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Like with you, it's called the Queen's Connection Club where we actually focus on strategy, sales and systems in there.

Speaker A:

And so we, I have developed a process to help actually with your messaging because messaging specifically, getting clarity on that, it's a game changer.

Speaker A:

I've worked a lot on this, that, that one thing this year as I've kind of gone on a journey with my business again and niched it down a little bit more.

Speaker A:

I want to work with other mums, parents, business owners just like me, who are all mums like me who are juggling the challenges of send children, neurodiversity, disabilities in the family, maybe struggling with mental health.

Speaker A:

And I want to help them to create something extraordinary and grow an amazing business.

Speaker A:

And I've niched down into that after last year Nasin down into service based or the last two years.

Speaker A:

And so I've niched even more, niched even more.

Speaker A:

And so I've had to explore messaging a bit more.

Speaker A:

And the reality is the clearer I am about my messaging, behind my business, behind my brand, the more successful I get to be when it comes to sales.

Speaker A:

So that's my final thought on sales for you when it comes to clarity.

Speaker A:

My final thought on systems when it comes to clarity is I want you to do what I said a moment ago.

Speaker A:

I want you to think about what are the systems in your business that you need right now and how can you use them, what's going to be the end result?

Speaker A:

How is this going to improve your life?

Speaker A:

Because this is what systems do.

Speaker A:

So rather than avoiding them, rather than avoiding getting organized, how is it actually going to improve your life?

Speaker A:

And that's the thing I want you to think about.

Speaker A:

That's my final thoughts.

Speaker A:

If you've enjoyed this episode, please do follow and rate the show.

Speaker A:

Show me some love.

Speaker A:

Share it with people that you know will be interested.

Speaker A:

I'd be massively, massively grateful because I've put a lot of time and money and energy into this rebrand and I'm so excited to share even more episodes and give you a little look behind the scenes.

Speaker A:

Share my journey, share my stories, but also deliver value.

Speaker A:

That's going to help you with your business because that is what I'm in this far.

Speaker A:

That is the ripple effect I'm aiming towards.

Speaker A:

And it's what I love to do.

Speaker A:

So please do rate the show.

Speaker A:

Please don't.

Speaker A:

Please do show the love and share it.

Speaker A:

Spread it far and wide so it can help more people.

Speaker A:

And I will see you in the next episode.

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About the Podcast

Strategy, Sales & Systems Podcast
Business Podcast for Growing Your Service-Based Empire
The Queen of Business Organisation brings you The Strategy, Sales & Systems Business Podcast for Growing Your Service-Based Empire , for business owners who are ready to hear real talk on building a successful business. Dani walks you through the reality of what it takes to put a business strategy in place, achieve recurring revenue through sales and get your business organised with sustainable selling systems, whilst embracing the chaos of family life, being a carer or managing additional needs. She is passionate about helping you to build and grow a business that you love and make more money!

About your host

Profile picture for Dani Louise Smith

Dani Louise Smith

The Queen of Business Organisation
Business Coach, Mentor and Best-Selling Author